Why DIA®?

Check out Our Publication: The Teen Driver’s Bible
The Teen Driver’s Bible is a handbook that every motorist will want to check out. It outlines how a proactive mindset is one of the most effective tools in preventing auto accidents. This publication has helpful information for both parents and their teens. It is available on many popular online bookseller platforms. The concepts discussed here are also included in our teen driver’s ed courses.
Effective Driver Safety Training in Austin, TX
From 2000 to 2020, 839,864 people were killed in auto accidents in the United States. This is unacceptable and means our drivers education curriculum is inadequate and simply not working! While driving is a privilege, it is also a skill—and knowing how to drive safely is a responsibility that every motorist shares. At the Driving Institute of America®, we have developed the first fundamental-focus concept curriculum that develops proactive drivers versus reactive drivers. There's a huge difference! When you complete our driver safety training in Austin, TX, you will know everything required to drive with confidence.
You will never drive the same again! We work with all students to help them attain a functional understanding of motorist behavior, and how to remain 100% defensive while behind the wheel.
We understand that while driving can be fun and liberating, it can also be a dangerous and risky activity to get on the road. That’s why we provide students—especially younger drivers—with a rigorous curriculum. We do more than talk about the rules of the road. Our training also puts theory into practice with hands-on training and practice. The curriculum includes “Preventing the 7 Most Serious Accidents," so it is very beneficial to anyone who drives a vehicle. Remember, HERE. . .KNOWLEDGE IS PREVENTION. ALERT!!! THE TEEN DRIVERS BIBLE IS AVAILABLE ON AMAZON and BARNES AND NOBLE. GO TO BOOKS AND ENTER "THE TEEN DRIVERS BIBLE.
Statement from our Founder: Manuel Moncivais, Jr.
"Thank you for visiting our site. We want you to know that DIA®'s mission is to make every person who gets behind the wheel the most knowledgeable and safest driver in the World".
Contact us to sign up for one of our driver safety courses. We are located in Austin, TX.